Filmtipp: Jessica Ennis-Hill: A Coach’s Story

Jessica Ennis-Hill: A Coach’s Story


Am Samstag gibt es für alle Fans von Jessica Ennis eine 30-minütige Dokumentation zur Titelverteidigung bei den olympischen Spielen aus der Sicht ihres Trainers Toni Minichiello.

Documentary going behind the scenes of Jessica Ennis-Hill’s bid to defend her heptathlon title at the Rio 2016 Olympics, seen through the eyes of her coach Toni Minichiello. Having turned a 13-year-old schoolgirl into the golden girl of London 2012, Minichiello has a unique insight into what makes Ennis-Hill tick and what it is like to coach an Olympic champion. With their greatest challenge perhaps still to come – attempting to defend the Olympic crown in Rio despite long periods away from the sport due to motherhood and injury – we hear how Minichiello and Ennis-Hill plan to rule the world once more in Brazil

Livestream – 16.07.2016 15:15-15:45 Uhr MESZ

Jessica Ennis-Hill: A Coach’s Story | Livestream BBC ONE
Jessica Ennis-Hill: A Coach’s Story | Livestream BBC ONE

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Jessica Ennis-Hill: A Coach’s Story | Livestream BBC ONE

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