The Ultimate Garden Clash 2020 – Livestream


Wer hätte das gedacht, die Leichtathletiksaison startet bereits am Sonntag.

Where? Duplantis will be at his base in Lafayette, Louisiana, Kendricks will be in his back garden in Oxford, Mississippi, and Lavillenie be in his garden in Clermont-Ferrand
What? The competition will see each athlete attempt to clear 5.00m as many times as they can within 30 minutes

World Athletics | Duplantis, Kendricks and Lavillenie set for Ultimate Garden Clash
Athletics Weekly | Pole vault stars set for unique lockdown clash


Livestream 03.05.2020 ab 17 Uhr MESZ

The Ultimate Garden Clash 2020 | Livestream

Bericht | Zwei Sieger beim ultimativen Garten-Stabhochsprung

World Athletics | Lavillenie and Duplantis tie in Ultimate Garden Clash – Pole Vault Edition